Merryweather fire engine No 2354, 1905 ( 2m 50s )
Half size "Economy" hit & miss engine, with working 1/2 size Webster Tripolar Oscillator and mixer (carburetor)
( 2m 40s )
( 2m 40s )
4" ( third scale ) traction engine running under governor control ( 1m 12s )
2" ( 1/6 size ) model of a Ward Triple Expansion Radial ( or "W" ) marine engine. Made in the early 20th century,
by the Charles Ward Engineering Works of Charleston, West Virginia, these engines were used in tug boats. The interesting features of this engine
are the configuration of the cylinders and the single crank and single eccentric operating the valve gear.
( 3m )
( 3m )
3" ( 1/4 scale ) thrashing machine at work
(1m 35s )
(1m 35s )
Eureka gear cutter tooth forming tool in use. In this clip, the tops of the teeth are being trimmed. Later, the tooth form will be cut between the two buttons.